domingo, 15 de abril de 2007

Unit 15: Where were you born?

In this unit we are going to rewind our birth place, and we are going to do a little biography of a famous artist.

Wladimir Villamizar

Born in ojeda city in 1986

Age: 20 years

2nd semester mass media school in urbe

I in the future my first ispiration is:

Rafael Caldera:
Born in Venezuela
Age: 91.
Sex: male.
Profession: lawyer.
Last occupation: he managed the union nacionál de estudiantes magazine.
Also he worked in ONU, in the international work office.
Sub-director of the venezuelan work office.
He was congresses.
Lawyer professor of UCV.
Vitalize senator.
He led the congresses chamber.
President of Venezuela from 1974 to 1978.
He was re-elected president in 1994 to 1999.
He designed the work law.
He created the national student union.

During the unit I met a little bit about the person I feel admiration and it helped me so much because that person is an inspiration for my future life!

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